HMS faculty and trainees are invited to submit abstracts of a one-page description of your presentation to be published in a program booklet and will be made available to all Medical Education Day...
Seeks to recruit a cohort of 60 clinical faculty who will receive dedicated training to observe, rate, and give formative and summative feedback to MD...
This Scholarship has a broad focus that allows scholars to gain an understanding of the various components of simulation and medical education. We’re accepting...
This Fellowship in Medical Education is to provide faculty with an opportunity to develop the expertise and skills needed to launch or advance academic careers in medical education and/or academic...
Preceptor’s are needed for the HMS Standardized Patient (SP)/Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) exercise as part of the first Professional Development Week (PDW1) for the Pathways...
This individual will be responsible for the direction and management of all aspects of the Curriculum Inventory which serves as the centralized database of the AAMC-member medical school curricula...