BEI's Med Ed Research Podcast
Episode 10
NOV 2020 | 7 MIN
Identifying the Precursors of Clinicians' Professionalism Difficulties w/ Ed Krupat, PhD
Academic Medicine
Listen Here >
Episode 9
JUL 2020 | 6 MIN
Virtual Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic with Dr. Zaid Almarzooq
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Listen Here
Episode 8
JUN 2020 | 8 MIN
Interprofessional Medical Education w/ Dr. Rebecca Sternschein
Academic Medicine
Episode 7
APR 2020 | 13 MIN
Performance Coaching for Practicing Surgeons w/ Dr. Jason Pradarelli
Journal of Surgical Education

Episode 6
FEB 2020 | 7 MIN
Reducing Burnout Among Radiology Trainees with Dr. Matt Haber
Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology

Episode 4
DEC 2019 | 7 MIN
MedEd Journal Club for the Millennial Resident with Kristina Dzara, PhD, MMSc
Academic Pediatrics

Episode 3
NOV 2019 | 7 MIN
The Role of the Arts in Medical Education with Dr. Joel Katz
Journal of Medical Humanities

Episode 2
NOV 2019 | 5 MIN
Best Practices in Teaching Endoscopy Based on a Delphi Survey with Dr. Navin Kumar
Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology