Apps for Brigham Clinicians



SPARKLE (Single Point of All Resources for clinical Knowledge Learning and Education) is an app for trainees which has been custom built by the BEI to make it easier to get information about and access morning report, noon conference, Brigopedia and other essential resources and educational treasures that we have available. 

 How to Install:

  • Install this through Partners Apps using your MGB user log in at
  • Open the catalog and go to BWH Enterprise Apps (or search) and download  "Sparkle".
  • After a quick registration and verification of your email you will have full access.
  • For a step by step guide click here.
  • Currently the App is for iPhone users only. If you have an Android or other device and are interested in the app, please email the BEI at
  • Please note that Brigopedia is available to android users at 

Brigopedia- Is a MediaWiki-based platform developed internally by former Brigham residents. Continuously maintained and updated, Brigopedia is a living repository for all things residency-related for the departments of Medicine, Surgery, and Neurology, including resources on medical education, scheduling and rotation information, management protocols and clinical guides, and resident life and wellness. Slides and video recordings from morning reports and noon conference are also uploaded to Brigopedia for offline viewing and review, in partnership with BWH AV services. please use your MGB credentials to log in.



UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical resource. It includes a collection of medical and patient information, access to Lexi-comp drug monographs and drug-to-drug interactions.

How to installl

  • If you aren’t on the Partners network

    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Go to

    • Log in with your Partners username and password

    • Click on the UpToDate icon

    • Follow the instructions as below

  • If you are on the Partners network

    • Go to
    • In the top left, click on Log In / Register
    • On the next screen, click underneath Not a Subscriber
    • Fill out the next screens to create an account
    • Download the UpToDate app for Android or Apple
    • In the app, log in with the username and password you created above



Epic Haiku offers authorized clinical users of Epic’s Electronic Health Record with secure access to clinic schedules, hospital patient lists, health summaries, test results and notes. Available on your mobile device only.

How to install:

  • Install this through Partners Apps using your MGB user log in at
  • An install profile screen will open. Tap install in the upper right.
  • Tip: This providers a secure certificate to access Partners services and apps.
  • As MobileIron is installed, it will install MobileIron GoTunnel and the Partners App Catalog
  • After install, click on the Partners App Catalog (or search for “App Catalog”)
  • Choose Categories > Medical > Epic Haiku and Limeric, and select Install
  • You should now be able to login to Epic on your phone

White Book Icon


The White Book is a resource guide collectively developed by the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Inpatient Core Educator Faculty (CEF), on commonly encountered inpatient topics for primary care and subspecialist faculty.


How to install

  • In your phone browser, go to
  • Select from the drop down
  • Enter your email address and they will send you a code to access this
  • Check your email for your code, enter this in your browser
  • Once in, save this as a bookmark, or “Send to Home Screen” (you may need to repeat the code access)

Hopkins Icon


The Hopkins Antibiotic Guide is a comprehensive web and mobile resource organizes details of diagnosis; drug indications, dosing, pharmacokinetics, side effects and interactions; pathogens; management; and vaccines into easily accessible, quick-read entries.

How to install:

  • These instructions assume that you are on the Partners network.
  • Go to
  • Click on Register to Fill out the required information
  • Download the UnboundMedicine app for Android or Apple
  • Log in using the username and password you created above

MS Teams


MS TEAMS changes the efficiency with which you communicate with your teams, using the real- time collaboration tool that supports team chat as well as video/audio conferencing.

How to install:

  • Install Microsoft Teams for Android or Apple, then
  • Login with your email and it will use our HIPAA compliant version
  • Note: if you login with another email it will not be HIPAA compliant so do not use that account for communication related to patients

Clinical Calculator


Calculate by QxMD is a clinical calculator which provides accurate clinical answers quickly and easily with pre-populated input values, results previews, and one-tap access to more detailed results:


How to Install:

  • Go to your mobile App store
  • Search for Calculate by QxMD
  • Install App for IOS or Android


fix it icon

For BWH issues related to We Screen, We Clean, We Protect, please submit a Safe Care Commitment ticket. To send a FixIt request to Environmental Services, Biomedical Engineering, or Engineering, submit a FixIt ticket here.



Additional apps, useful for residents, can be found on Brigopedia. Just login with your Partners username and password.