Interested in an additional resource about using trainee feedback to improve your teaching? Check out the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions article “The COVID-19 Online Learning Transition and the Plus/Delta Debriefing Model” by Kristina Dzara, PhD, MMSc, Ayres Heller, EdM, and Jennifer Kesselheim, MD, EdM.
Interested in an additional resource about using imaging as part of teaching experiences? Check out the Academic Radiology article “Restructuring Radiology Education to Improve Imaging Specificity” by Leann Kania, MD and Vijay Rao, MD.
Interested in an additional resource about teaching trainees how to practice surgical skills? Check out the Medical Teacher article “Twelve Tips on Teaching Basic Surgical Skills Using Simulation and Multimedia” by R. L. Kneebone, FRCS FRCSEd MRCGP.
Interested in an additional resource about effective bedside teaching? Check out the Annals of the American Thoracic Society article “Teaching at the Bedside: Maximal Impact in Minimal Time” by William G. Carlos, MD, Patricia A. Kritek, MD, EdM, Allison S. Clay, MD,
Lisa S. Rotenstein, MD, MBA
Interested in an additional resource about connecting trainees to clinical practice while teaching? Check out the Surgery article “Educational Strategies to Foster Bedside Teaching” by Roger H. Kim, MD, FACS and John D. Mellinger, MD, FACS.
Interested in an additional resource about encouraging learners to critically think about clinical experiences? Check out the MedEdPORTAL article “Questioning Aid for Rich, Real-Time Discussion (QARRD): A Tool to Improve Critical Thinking in Clinical Settings” by Russell W. Farmer, MD, Staci Saner, Med, Laura A. Weingartner, PhD, MS, and Gerard Rabalais, MD, MHA.
Maria Yialamas, MD
Interested in an additional resource about peer teaching? Check out the Medical Teacher article “Twelve Tips for Being an Effective Clinical Skills Peer Teacher” by Hamzah Farooq Niaz, BSc (Hons) and Jatin Rohit Mistry, BSc (Hons).
Interested in an additional resource about the history of medicine at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital? Check out the book “Time to Heal: American Medical Education from the Turn of the Century to the Era of Managed Care” by Kenneth M. Ludmerer.
Interested in an additional resource about being an effective teacher and coach? Check out the Medical Teacher article “Twelve Tips for Teaching and Supervising Post-Graduate Trainees in Clinic” by Alexander A. Logan, MD, Mayuree Rao, MD, and Ginger Evans, MD.
Interested in an additional resource about establishing an active learning environment? Check out the Teach Like a Champion blog.
Interested in an additional resource about ensuring your trainees are receptive to formative feedback in the clinical setting? Check out the Medical Teacher article “Twelve Tips for Developing Feedback Literacy in Health Professions Learners” by Nicolas Tripodi, MS, Jack Feehan, PhD, Rebecca Wospil, DO, and Brett Vaughan, PhD.
Interested in an additional resource about employing the flipped classroom in graduate medical education? Check out the Journal of Graduate Medical Education article “Flipping Out: Does the Flipped Classroom Learning Model Work for GME?” by Avraham Z. Cooper, MD, Grace Hsieh, MD, Joshua E. Kiss, MD, and Grace C. Huang, MD.
Sofia Vallila Rohter, PhD, CCC-SLP
Interested in an additional resource about having fun in the classroom? Check out the Academic Psychology article “Comics as an Educational Tool on a Clinical Clerkship” by Aditya Joshi, MD, Jolene Hillwig-Garcia, MD, Monika Joshi, MD, Erik Lehman, MS, Asfand Khan, MD, Antolin Llorente, PhD, & Paul Haidet, MD, MPH.
Interested in an additional resource about taking “field trips” as part of clinical teaching? Check out the Academic Radiology article “Radiology Field Trips—A List of “Must Sees” in the Radiology Department for Medical Students: How We Do It” by Matthew Hartman, MD, Sarah Thomas, MD, and Andres Ayoob, MD.
Interested in an additional resource about the provision of feedback for clinical trainees? Check out the Perspectives on Medical Education article “Guidelines: The Do’s, Don’ts and Don’t Knows of Feedback for Clinical Education” by Janet Lefroy, MRCGP, PhD, Chris Watling, MD, PhD, MMEd, FRCP(C), Pim W. Teunissen, MD, PhD, and Paul Brand, MD, PhD.
Roger Daglius Dias, MD, MBA, PhD
Interested in an additional resource about sparking curiosity among your learners? Check out the Medical Education article “Curiosity and Medical Education” by Lawrence Dyche, MSW, and Ronald M. Epstein, MD.
Interested in an additional resource about confidence and clinical decision making? Check out the American Journal of Medicine article “Overconfidence in Clinical Decision Making” by Pat Croskerry, MD, PhD and Geoff Norman, PhD.
Interested in an additional resource about using retrieval practice in your clinical teaching? Check out the post “What is retrieval practice?” by Retrieval Practice.
Interested in an additional resource about encouraging self-regulated learning among trainees? Check out the Medical Teacher article “Twelve Tips on How to Provide Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Enhanced Feedback on Clinical Performance” by Heather Leggett, PhD, John Sandars, MBChB, MSc, MD, MRCP, MRCGP, FAcadMEd, and Trudie Roberts, MBChB, PhD, FRCP, FHEA.
Interested in an additional resource about being a lifelong learner? Check out the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery article “Lifelong Learning: A Higher Order of Consciousness and a Construct for Faculty Development” by Eric R. Carlson, DMD, MD, EdM.
Interested in an additional resource about determining trainee readiness for OR autonomy? Check out the Journal of Surgical Education article “Assessing Residents’ Readiness for OR Autonomy: A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Expert Surgical Teachers’ Best Practices” by Xiaodong (Phoenix) Chen, PhD, Amy M. Sullivan, EdD, Adnan Alseidi, MD, Gifty Kwakye, MD, and Douglas S. Smink, MD, MPH.
Interested in an additional resource about interprofessional education? Check out the article Medical Teacher article “A BEME Systematic Review of the Effects of Interprofessional Education: BEME Guide No. 39” by Scott Reeves, PhD, Simon Fletcher, PhD, Hugh Barr, PhD, Ivan Birch, PhD, Sylvain Boet, MD, PhD, Nigel Davies, MSc, RGN, Angus McFadyen, PhD, Josette Rivera, MD, and Simon Kitto, PhD.
Interested in an additional resource about teaching clinical reasoning? Check out the Medical Teacher article “Teaching Expertise in Clinical Reasoning” by Joseph Rencic, MD.
Interested in an additional resource about embracing the teachable moments in your day? Check out the BMC Medical Education article “Key Tips for Teaching in the Clinical Setting” by Annette Burgess, BBusStud, MBT, MEd, MMedEd, MBioethics, PhD, Christie van Diggele, Med, PhD, Chris Roberts MBChB FRACGP MMEDSCi PhD, and Craig Mellis, MBBS, MPH, PhD.
Interested in an additional resource about engaging trainees at the bedside? Check out the Annals of the American Thoracic Society article “Teaching at the Bedside: Maximal Impact in Minimal Time” by William G. Carlos, MD, Patricia A. Kritek, MD, EdM, Alison S. Clay, MD, Andrew M. Luks, MD, MS, and Carey C. Thomson, MD, FCCP, MPH.
Interested in an additional resource about positive regard, learning, and connection? Check out the out the International Clinician Educators blog post “The Value of Being Valued – Going Beyond “Good Job!” by Shahina Braganza, MBBS Hons, BMedSci, FACEM, Demian Szyld, MD, EdM, Jenny Rudolph, PhD, and the Gold Coast Hospital Edge Collaborators.
Interested in an additional resource to understand growth mindset in health professions education? Check out the Medical Education article “A Review to Characterize and Map the Growth Mindset Theory in Health Professions Education” by Michael D. Wolcott, PharmD, PhD, BCPS, Jacqueline E. McLaughlin, PhD, Alice Hann, Amelia Miklavec, Gary L. Beck Dallaghan, PhD, Denise H. Rhoney, PharmD, and Meg Zomorodi, PhD, RN, CNL, FAAN.
Interested in an additional resource about storytelling as part of medical education? Check out the Teaching and Learning in Medicine article “Perceived Effectiveness and Applicability of Think-Pair-Share Including Storytelling (TPS-S) to Enhance Clinical Learning” by Seema Ganatra, DDS, MSD, Tania Doblanko, DMD, Kari Rasmussen, PhD, Jacqueline Green, MA, Maryam Kebbe, PhD, Maryam Amin, DMD, MSD, PhD, and Arnaldo Perez, PhD.
Narath Carlile, MD, MPH, Dipl Clinical Informatics
Interested in an additional resource to understand effective teamwork in healthcare? Check out the American Psychologist article “Teamwork in Healthcare: Key Discoveries Enabling Safer, High-quality Care” by Michael A. Rosen, PhD, MA, Deborah DiazGranados, PhD, Aaron S. Dietz, PhD, Lauren E. Benishek, PhD, David Thompson, DNSc, MS, Peter J. Provonost, MD, and Sallie J. Weaver, PhD, MHS.
Interested in an additional resource about teaching trainees technical skills? Check out the Surgery article “Teaching Technical Surgery” by Elizabeth M. Huffman, MD, John R. Martin, MD, and Dimitrios Stefanidis, MD, PhD, FACS, FASMBS.
Interested in an additional resource about utilizing teachable moments to your advantage? Check out the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine article “Taking Advantage of the Teachable Moment: A Review of Learner-Centered Clinical Teaching Models” by Sneha A. Chinai, MD, Todd Guth, MD, Elise Lovell, MD, and Michael Epter, DO.
Interested in additional education and simulation training opportunities? Check out the educational offerings through the Neil and Elise Wallace STRATUS Center for Medical Simulation at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Rosann Ippolito, PhD, MHP, PA-C, DFAAPA
Interested in an additional resource about promote a feedback culture with a growth mind-set among both faculty and trainee? Check out the Medical Teacher article “Twelve Tips to Promote a Feedback Culture with a Growth Mind-Set: Swinging the Feedback Pendulum from Recipes to Relationships” by Subha Ramani, MBBS, MPH, MMEd, PhD, Karen D. Konings, PhD, Shiphra Ginsburg, MD, PhD, FRCPC, and Cees P. M. van der Vleuten, PhD.
Interested in an additional resource about encouraging and using questions as a teaching tool? Check out the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education article ”Best Practice Strategies for Effective Use of Questions as a Teaching Tool” by Toyin Tofade, PharmD, MS, Jamie Elsner, MS, and Stuart T. Haines, PharmD.
Ole-Petter R. Hamnvik, MBBCh, BAO, MMSc
Interested in an additional resource about clinical reasoning? Check out the Academic Medicine article “Approaches to Clinical Reasoning Assessment” by Juan N. Lessing, MD, Patrick Rendon, MD, Steven J. Durning, MD, PhD, and Justin J. Roesch, MD.
Interested in an additional resource about embracing a growth mindset in health professions education? Check out the Medical Education article “When I Say…Growth Mindset” by Nora Y. Osman, MD, David E. Sloane, MD, and David A. Hirsh, MD.
Interested in an additional resource about engaging trainees in all the ways they learn? Check out the Academic Medicine article “How Can Physicians’ Learning Styles Drive Educational Planning” by Elizabeth Armstrong and Ramin Parsa-Parsi.
Margie Hamilton Sipe, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
Interested in an additional resource about trust and connection with learners? Check out the Advances in Health Sciences Education article “Understanding Trust as an Essential Element of Trainee Supervision and Learning in the Workplace” by Karen E. Hauer, Olle ten Cate, Christy Boscardin, David M. Irby, William Iobst, and Patricia S. O’Sullivan.
Interested in an additional resource about team dynamics? Check out the Medical Teacher article “Twelve Tips for Facilitating Team-Based Learning” by Charles Gullo, Tam Cam Ha, and Sandy Cook.
Interested in an additional resource about debriefing with trainees? Check out the VitalTalk website founded by Anthony Back, Robert Arnold, and James Tulsky.

Interested in additional resources about how you can use questioning and discussion to effectively engage learners? Check
out the Medical Teacher article “12 Tips for Effective Questioning in Medical Education” by Stacey Pylman, Ph.D. and Amy
Ward, M.Ed.
Interested in an additional resource about the promotion of diagnostic reasoning with trainees? Check out the New England Journal of Medicine article “Educational Strategies to Promote Clinical Diagnostic Reasoning” by Judith L. Bowen.
Interested in an additional resource about improving clinical reasoning among trainees? Check out the Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care article “Educational Strategies for Improving Clinical Reasoning” by William B. Cutrer, MD, Med, William M. Sullivan, MD, Med, and Amy E. Fleming, MD.
Interested in an additional resource about psychological safety? Check out this Association of American Medical Colleges interview “Psychological Safety is Critically Important in Medicine” with Amy C. Edmondson, Ph.D.
Reg B. Wilcox III, PT, DPT, MS, OCS
Interested in an additional resource about providing career guidance to trainees? Check out the Medical Teacher article “Twelve Tips for Developing Effective Mentors” by Subha Ramani, MBBS, MPH, MMEd, PhD, Larry Gruppen, PhD, and Elizabeth Krajic Kachur, PhD.
Subha Ramani, MBBS, MPH, MMEd, PhD
Interested in an additional resource about the effective provision of feedback? Check out the Medical Education article “Challenging Feedback Myths: Values, Learner Involvement and Promoting Effects Beyond the Immediate Task” by Elizabeth Molloy, PhD, Roja Ajjawi, PhD, Margaret Bearman, PhD, Christy Noble, PhD, Joy Rudland, MPhil, and Anna Ryan, PhD, LP or the Academic Medicine article “Relationships as the Backbone of Feedback: Exploring Preceptor and Resident Perceptions of their Behaviors During Feedback Conversations” by Subha Ramani, MBBS, MPH, MMEd, PhD, Karen D. Konings, PhD, Shiphra Ginsburg, MD, PhD, FRCPC, and Cees P. M. van der Vleuten, PhD.
Colm McCarthy, MD, MSc

Interested in an additional resource about effectively teaching skills to learners? Check out the Medical Journal of Australia article “Teaching on the Run Tips 5: Teaching a Skill” by Fiona R. Lake, MD, FRACP and Jeffrey M. Hamdorf, PhD, FRACS.
Deborah Navedo, PhD, CPNP, CNE
Interested in an additional resource about providing opportunities for learners to think and reflect? Check out the book
“Hitting Pause” by Gail Rice, Ed.D.
Kristina Liu, MD, MHS
Interested in an additional resource about clinical teaching and learning? Check out the British Medical Journal article “ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine: Learning and Teaching in the Clinical Environment” by John Spencer, MD.
Erik K. Alexander, MD
Interested in an additional resource about evidence-based principles of learning using them for effective learning,
teaching, pedagogy and curriculum development? Check out the Medical Teacher article “Twelve Tips for Utilizing Principles of Learning to Support Medical Education” by Maris F. Cutting, Ph.D. and Norma Susswein Sacks, Ed.D.